Friday, January 27, 2012


I appreciate your wisdom and kind words regarding yesterday's post. One of the primary reasons I opened the store was to help me feel more connected to the Catskill community and not just a weekender. I guess I could have joined a hiking club or done some volunteer work, but I like to complicate things.

Going there less often in the winter is good in many ways, but I definitely feel less a part of that community.
These pictures are some of my collection of nature-related books in our house in the country. I used to spend my weekends reading and hiking. Now, I have a life there.

                                    our driveway in the country

It's time for me to get on the road. I'll report back next week in a more positive frame of mind, I hope.

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Hello Jen:
    At this point in the year, it is easy to feel negative about things as generally one's energy levels are low.Over the past year, you have been through some exceedingly challenging times and, all to your immense credit, you have not given up but have carried on.

    We feel that you have achieved an enormous amount for which you deserve every praise. Your store is full of wonderful things, all chosen with care, love and an appreciation for the good things in life. This is all most commendable and should not be discarded in a hurry since people need this kind of outlet in their lives in order to appreciate art, nature and the environment in which they live.

    You have created something original, unique and deeply worthwhile. As winter turns to spring we are sure that you will continue to develop and grow the store into something even more beautiful.

  2. I wish I could travel like you do ! you are so lucky to have such a great life. in such a pretty area of the country ! We have nothing but a lot of soggy rain all winter here in southern Ohio ! I think snow would cheer me up


  3. Awesome book collection, and I love that last picture!!

  4. Wow Jen, your drive looks like it is going to lead up to some sort of palatial mansion on the hill overlooking the Catskills. :)
    Why go hiking when you can have your very own store? Much more creative and challenging! And, you have very much created a special place.

  5. I like the title 'we took to the woods'. I love books, there just not enough time. I was searching for the link to your Etsy shop, Jen.
    Lovely weekend,

  6. What a wonderful idea, to have a little store where you spend your weekends. I totally understand the connection there. Looking forward to seeing more on your blog. Greetings from Indiana...Heidi
