Monday, May 23, 2011

what i know

The horse and wagon I got at the auction is a model of a Sicilian Cart.

I want to go here. Immediately. I need to see all of it, including "a 3,500-piece three-ring circus, with a brass band, a tiger cage and acrobats performing before an arena of spectators. But the figures are just inches tall, carved out of wood with a penknife and a jigsaw by Edgar Decker Kirk. Along the curved walls, glass cases display a 500-foot-long circus parade, with 4,000 miniature figures carved by another craftsman, Roy Arnold."  That's 7,500 miniature carved circus figures, folks. Speaking of miniature carved figures, I think I am going to sell the 1860 clothespin soldiers I wrote about here. They are in a closet. They want to come out.

Which brings me to the puzzling fact that I really want to clean out my house. I'm in the mood for streamlined and spare. I'm tired of stuff. And yet I keep bringing in all this stuff to sell. 

Like landscapes. You wouldn't believe how many old landscapes I have.

And I have banished my cat for the night because she caught a baby rabbit. I got it away from her, and I think it's okay but there will be a next one. She goes berserk when I put a bell on her. She goes berserk when I keep her inside.

How was your weekend?


  1. Hello Jen:
    The miniature circus sounds an absolute delight. How we should love it too.

    Oh dear, we seem never to be rid of things, rather acquire more as time goes by. But, be careful that in the future, when you move away from you minimalist period, that you do not regret the things you have parted with now.

    Put them in the attic, we say!!

  2. that is the most ornate horse and cart ever! wow. the circus is nostalgic I think. I remember every summer a little circus coming and setting up tents and bringing in the elephants..etc. and all the rides for a week to my small town,that I grew up in. It was always exciting for the kids.

  3. Did you ever find out the value of the soldiers? Being a civil war re-enactor I would LOVE to have them, but not to play with of course! :)

  4. How charming! A whole little world to get absorbed in, like Babar. Hope the bunny ended up ok, that's the one problem with cats.
