Monday, May 2, 2016

Around Here


 Hello friends. It's all kittens, all the time. I've been volunteering at a cat shelter, and offered to foster five kittens from three different litters, and the heroic mother cat, who has been caring for all of them. It's been great fun, and I love them all, but no, I'm not keeping any. Once they are spayed/neutered and healthy, the shelter will find homes for them. Kittens must be adopted with another kitten or young cat (or the mother cat) and it comforts me to know that some of them will be adopted together.

I've missed a couple of Catskill weekends because of family stuff and kitten emergencies, but look forward to getting back later this month and seeing the wildflowers. I finally have a few blooms in my yard, and supplement them with flowers from the store. I need flowers. There, I said it.

I'm still painting regularly. Seascapes, landscapes...Thinking about night flowers 

and frog ponds.

A few evenings ago I went to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, which stays open until the civilized hour of 10 p.m. three nights a week. I saw this Edward Hopper painting, A Room in Brooklyn, and it was like looking in a mirror.

Although I rarely post, here, I will continue to do so, to keep the thread, the connections, with those of you who aren't on Instagram. And maybe someday I'll post more in depth. I find myself staying away from the computer more, leaving my phone behind sometimes, picking up paper and pencil.

I hope that all is well with you.

xo, Jennifer


  1. Hello Jennifer, Good for you for helping those kittens. I like the boldness of your seascape, which forms a good contrast with the muted quality of the Hopper.

    1. Thanks, Jim. I hope you are enjoying spring!

  2. Hello! I love this post, a lovely catch up and nice to see the kittens aren't completely distracting you :) Frog ponds are great muses...

    1. Thanks, Joanna. The kittens are pretty distracting, but in a few weeks they'll be gone. Being able to watch the life cycle of frogs is a treat! Hmm... maybe I'll do a frog pond post. (or maybe I did already)

  3. Hello! I love this post, a lovely catch up and nice to see the kittens aren't completely distracting you :) Frog ponds are great muses...

  4. My last yellow tulip just said goodbye. I need some new flowers. I didn't know the museum was open so late. Does it get really quiet later in the evening? That Hopper is wonderful!

    1. Wednesday and Thursday evening are delightfully quiet. Last week I went on Friday--there was a jazz trio playing in the atrium and the museum was busy, but not crowded.

  5. So nice of you to foster the kittens, they are so adorable. I love Edward Hopper, interestingly the one I like least is "Nighthawks", probably because of its ubiquity. Paper and pencil sound good to me.

  6. Your painting looks beautiful Jen. I enjoy seeing them on Instagram too.

    What a delight to have those kittens in the house. My daughters would like that!

    Madelief x

    1. Thanks, Madelief! I am always happy to see your flowers! ;-)

  7. I have been deeply impressed the sunshine coming into the room in the second painting.

  8. What an adorable little kitten ... I would struggle to give them back!
    The Hopper painting is wonderful and I love the colours and movement in your seascape.
    What is your name on IG ... I'll come and find you?

  9. What an adorable little kitten :) And your paintings are beautiful !!

  10. I'd love to do that. foster kittens. unfortunately monsieur is severely allergic to cats...
