Wednesday, October 22, 2014

the blustery day

 All day the words Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day have been going through my head. Phase two of autumn is kicking in. The first phase is when you start to feel the edge--crisp air, russet leaves, the anticipation of heavy sweaters and crackling fires.

Then, bam! it's raw and windy, like today. Blustery. Flannel pajamas seem like a good idea. Lucky me, I got these gorgeous flowers from Bow Street, and they are at my side, warming me up.

I'll be making baked ziti and garlic bread tonight,
maybe baked apples,
a blustery day dinner.

Even the cats don't want the window open.


  1. I thought, "What is all that Kleenex hanging on that lovely fall foliage?" Then realized we're getting close to Halloween and they are wee ghosties.

    1. I find myself using the word "wee" often too. The Outlander influence, lassie.

  2. A blog is one's thinking spot, or so I like to think, and should particularly be attended to on a blustery day.

    1. Mise! Welcome back, friend. Love your graceful thought of blog as thinking spot. Very thoughtful.

  3. I did a double take at the white things hanging. Are they Halloween related things? Seen at night, white makes themselves more visible. Thank you for the video clip. I like it , though I hope no blustery day.

    1. They are supposed to be little ghosts, Cosmos. (Or wee ghosties, as Karen put it so charmingly.)

  4. Aw,Jen. Morgan had the record. Sure has been a blustery night!

    1. I heard a bit of the music and it made me nostalgic. Blustery is my new favorite word. Wee ghosties is my new favorite phrase.

  5. Hello Jen, I do miss the fall days you describe, which make you want to go out, but then later make you appreciate the comfort of indoors. Taiwan doesn't provide that experience, but then again it doesn't provide snow either!

    1. As always you put your finger on the heart of the matter, Jim-it makes "you want to go out, but then later makes you appreciate the comfort of home."

  6. Yep, we're getting the same thing here. I love driving as the leaves are flying. And what always comes to mind is an early scene from "The Exorcist", the mother is sitting in the park on a late Fall blustery day waiting for the priest as the leaves fly all over the place and two nuns walk by with their habits billowing behind them, eerie. Love all the orange!

    1. Hah, what an image! (Exorcist) I'm looking out at the blowing trees with their orange and yellow leaves--it really is magical.

  7. It looks like you are ready for Halloween. I have to get going on that front (only a week or so left)! That's a lovely bouquet of flowers you picked out. Stay warm.

  8. Beautiful autumn photo's Jen. It's getting colder in The Netherlands as well. Flanel pyjama weather here as well!

    Madelief x

  9. Red and yellow leaves are wonderful. Your two cats will be thinking of new "trick or treat". Be careful :-)
