Monday, April 22, 2013

flowers in the painting studio

These were a gift from my husband's colleagues. 
Something about the arrangement troubled me. 
He thought they were too stylized.
For me both colors and arrangement lacked harmony.

  Well aren't you interesting, I thought,
 not giddy with love in my usual way.

But I grew fonder of them, 
especially when viewed from above, 
and took them to the studio yesterday.

I made some quick sketches 
and contemplated the many ways to paint a flower,

but there is nothing like the real thing.

Spring is later than usual in New England (and the Catskills too I'm sure, though I didn't get there this weekend) and my garden is bare, but I'm enjoying the many blossoms and friends, the warmth and love and laughter over at Jane's Flowers in the House. 


  1. I Love your painting! Love love it!

  2. I love it too. Can't wait to see a painting of one of Shelly's masterpieces.

    After a week of viewing Boston on TV I saw only the forsythia in bloom.

    Hence the inspiration to bring spring to y'all.

    Breathe deeply. Than take your allergy meds.!

    xo Jane

    1. Yes, we are a couple weeks behind the usual start of spring...I still feeling stunned by the ugliness of last week, so thanks for getting this one off to a nice start.

  3. You have the divine gift to transform reality in poetry, in dream, in emotion!
    Greetings !

  4. Hello Jen, I like your sketch more than the original bouquet. I love the way the shades of green vary just as much as the colors of the petals.
    --Road to Parnassus

  5. The sketch is wonderful! I think flowers are about the hardest things in the world to paint. You can't get caught up in the details too much, just have to focus on connecting the colors into interesting shapes. I like that you feel free to change the colors.

    I think you've gotten a great start so far.

  6. Sometimes it helps to cut flowers really short just as you did because they look lovely in that vase! I really love them! The sketch is beautiful and doesn't look quick to me at all! Love and laughter - sounds wonderful to me! Enjoy! Christa

  7. I think I know what you mean Jen. The colours are very pretty though. I do like your painting!

    Madelief x

  8. Hi Jen, the flowers are very pretty but I know what you mean about the arrangement.I do however love your painting, its fab.
    Spring is late over here too, about a month behind where we should be!

  9. same here. spring is late. we've just started planting new flowers this weekend. can't wait for the colours to explode :)

  10. Well Jen, two pieces of art. First how you transformed that arrangement, those pinks are lovely but really needed that extra umpf. And then your sketch, it's beautiful!

  11. beautiful flowers and beautiful painting!

  12. Jen.. Love your painting and the lovely pinks of your inspiration. I think you are off to a wonderful beginning in your new art space. Thanks for the peak inside your studio. Hugs to you and Boston!

  13. You are so talented. I don't much care for the bouquet, but your "sketch" (I don't know what more your could do with it) is lovely.

  14. Maybe tulips and roses are incompatible because they are from different seasons and shouldn't be together.

  15. A lovely post Jen,
    You did a super painting of the roses..
    happy painting

  16. I just love the fourth photo of the flowers with the brushes. I think a painting of that would be wonderful, although I love the painting of the flowers by themselves! I am envious of your talent x

  17. What beautiful works of art, by nature and by gift. Would love to see your painting when completed!!

  18. Thank you, everyone, for your kind words about my painting.

  19. The studio looks quite brightened with the bouquet from you and your friend. How joyful to depict them like this!

  20. love your painting Jen -and the studio . Grat to have a place that's your to paint in

    enjoy flowers, soon are coming outside too
    both for you and for me

    hugs xoxox

  21. Such a beautiful painting. Just when I needed some color to look at. I love your studio too!
